Entries Tagged 'Life shit n stuff' ↓

25/03/24 Finally Got My Teeth!

Well it’s been a hell of a long road, but I got there in the end, and they are PERFECT 😊

Appointment next Friday for more impressions

Let’s hope they get it right this time!!

Still Not Right

Emergency Appointment today to get teeth lowering in process

A week today…

I should have me new gnashers!!!

Bite Registration

So, had my ‘Bite Registration’ today – Should be done by Xmas – Problem is that you end up sitting in such an awkward way, you can’t relax fully, and your jaw protrudes out! Nightmare!

Well, I’m still waiting…

Flipping annoying! Had my 6 week appointment cancelled, and have to wait another 6 weeks ! Nightmare – Still, when it’s done, it’s done for life I suppose – Summer of 2023 officially goes down in history as the summer I had no teeth!!!

Special Curry With Chips!

Had my first takeaway in over 2 weeks – No issues – Pleased with my gums 🙂

Had My Stitches Out!

Gums are healing nicely, & I didn’t need further work on the one implant that didn’t go in quite as far as the others. Meaning that’s it now for another 6 weeks, before I go under the knife again, for the final time 🙂

1st Stage of implants successful !

Owch! Lil bit sore atm, (Like I’ve been hoofed in the mouth by a horse, but it happened a few days ago) but other than that – All good – Very neat stitching from my dentist…

I really can’t see any reason as to why I’m not going to make a full & fast recovery – Next appointment in about 3 weeks to have stitches taken out!

Whoo Hoo!

Pixel 4a Sent Off…

Lets hope I get my promised £130.00 off of my new phone…

Dental Implants!

So yesterday was my Pre-Op Consultation, and Monday is my Operation – I can’t wait!!!

WordPress has been updated!

So the message said that I just received by email… But it’s still over complicated – Bring back the original interface… Then I might start updating!

wordpress has changed…

way 2 complicated… 🙁

Been so long now…

I cunt even remember how to use WordPress! But I’m still alive – Keeping on, keeping on… Etc Etc…
See you all in a year or so I suppose!

Well its that time of year again…

When I remember this blog, get amazed I can still login, and make a post like this!

However, this time I won’t be promising to post more… It never happens…

Anyhoo, frame of reference for myself, just about to upgrade car stereo, get my G2 and my new phone. D is looking to move house again, and we will know if he is, by next week.

That’s all folks!

(For Now… lol)

Bloody Hell !

Not only is this blog still here, but the iMac has remembered my login details!!!

Fuck Me Silly!

This blog is still online ! And I still have my login details !!!

Happy 2017!

Wonder if I can actually post more this year? Better than my total of 2 posts last year ? lol

If WP Had not upgraded, I would have forgotten all about this blog 🙁

Feeling happier…

Certain things change moods and scare dementors away. Possibly the best I’ve felt in a long time…

Fingers crossed eh?

Happy 2016!

Promised myself I’d post more… But I completely forget…

However this blog is really just for me only, so I have no need to feel guilty…

Yes, I AM Diabetic…

Woot Woot 🙁

Getting Garden Done This Weekend…

Re-Graveled… Will Post Pics When Done

Could I be Diabetic?

High reading on a Diastix the other day – Then I realised I’m taking xlsmedical fat and carb burner… It makes extra sugars and stuff go into my wee, so it could be that – We shall see…

Steal This Book!


Just a reference for later 🙂

Well, the longest day of the year has been and gone…

And I’m still alive ! Woot Woot…

Wondering if I’m ever gonna lose the extra weight. Walked 47 miles last week and still the same weight – 11st 11 – Look like I’ve got bra lines on my moobs as my suntan fades !

Could be worse though. Had haircut today and it was one of his better ones…

Good Point Well Made….


In other news the Driving Lesson idea went down well 🙂

Pus… R BIT ME! Ouch lol

Long time no post…

Guess you are still here little blog – Long time no see 🙁

I really need to start showing you some more love. So here goes. Nearly Fathers day, and I hope that B accepts my offer of Driving lessons. Its important she learns. Will tell them on Sunday, and if I remember, I’ll post the result.

Well that will do for now I think – 11st 12 at moment but just got some pills (One Months supply) so I’ll report back on those as well.


Putting the weight back on….

NOT GOOD…. But its my fault… So… ????


OH FUCK ME! I Laughed…

After the HACKER MADE the post below…

Heres something to restore balance…

Ahhh… Thats better 🙂

Demo Band to play

They are playing on Tuesday Heres a pic!


Just a bit of wank fodder…

Well… Can you blame me? LOL

Spunk bubble cunt shit…


Nothing to post at the moment, so I thought I’d have a good swear unstead !

Charlie Harper shirt ordered, and 501s to be got next Tuesday LOL


Click To Animate...

Another post cause I think that I may need it at some point…

We can but dream… :)


Stolen Ferrari and a warning…

Now.. The warning!!!

NERD RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneone


Well… It IS a classic…

Not much going on… So….

Heres a pic of Batman, riding on an Elephant…

Sometimes, you feel like just….

I bet it tickles…

But it sure will feel good !


No posts from me lately… (Again)

But thats a good thing. Feeling happy with my life at the moment. Getting ready to go blind, and lay down in space. Will need new materials for it, but shouldnt be a problem.

They say ‘Go Green’ so I think I will… Diff shades. But I wont post a pic. I only need to turn around… Or at least that will be the case… On or after the 4th of March lol

Will post these pics anyway though, cause I want to !

Absent Pal...

Phowarr.. Look at those two…

Lightbulbs that have broken… Really… How careless !

Me in the future???

Well… I can dream cant I ? LOL

12 Stone !

Well, fuck me sideways! What a way to start 2011 !!!


Still lets dance to celebrate the fact its nearly 2011 ! WOOT WOOT

Mans Best Friend…


Makes me smile and feel warm n fuzzy…


How I feel some days…

All they need is drugs…

Ugly Fucker!!!!

Friday Children In Need Day…

I’m going to a retro arcade event !

Games that I will be playing:

Pacman (currently running Ms Pacman)
Mr Do!
Track and Field
Space Duel
Dig Dug
Crystal Castles
Asteroids Deluxe
Dragons Lair II
Continental Circus
Defender <-- Yep it's working !!! Time Pilot Marble Madness Klax The Invaders (Space Invaders) Joust Galaxian (Multi game fitted) Road Runner Badlands Juno First Centipede Pole Position Scramble Hyper Sports Crazy Kong Gaunlett Galaga Bubble bobble Bomb Jack Arkanoid Pacland Red Baron cockpit Missile Command (not had time to restore the cab but should be playable) + A surprise cab arriving on the day A 'Blast From The Past' (Pun intended) lol

I can but dream…

Well… I can cant I?



Facts ‘n Figures…

Good to keep perspective on shit…

Another blast from the past…

Those were the days… My friend… We thought they’d never end… etc etc… lol

Thats HAWT!

Well, I’m confident in my sexuality, and I find it arousing… SO FUCKING WHAT?

Blast From The Past !


I liked this pic….

Strangely Erotic...

Perhaps theres something wrong with me? !HELP! lol

What is wrong with this picture?


Hard to believe its been nearly 30 years… !!!


Looks like it will be…

When the mac version arrives that is… Or, I may wait for the other… Who knows?

Will update when decision has been made 🙂

I iz finking I iz HaxoR

LoadZ of B0ll0XXX T1pe l1ke th1S!

Duz meen aPP1e p331 520 D-l@y

Hello… I am BAT…

Bat I am…

Still Happy…



Busy Busy Busy…

But having fun. Lost in my site at the moment. But happier.

All the stress of the millstone appears to have dissipated.

Finding myself a new mellow vibe with which to flow forwards, with minmal stress… So in all…

I’m Busy… BUT…. Happy… 🙂

A porn fan speaks!

Oh Shit I`ll be surprised if this isn`t all over fucking 4chan and ED, that is if it doesn`t get the somethingawful.com horrors of porn award of the year first.
The shitforbrains who thought this was a good idea really wants to look into a shotgun mouthwash. More than likely the same dumbfuck who thinks we want to see hot lasses being infected by geriatric mummy dust.

Then you wonder why noone fucking pays for porn. Although I`d pay good money not to see this ever again.
British porn, whilst other countries porn industries are trying their best to put out a sexy looking product , UK is sitting in the gutter playing with turds.

I`ll give you a hint, the object of decent porn is to arouse not revulse

Nutter Alert…

Surfer Alert…


1 Hour (2 X 30min)

Oooohh… What AM I like?

I AM awful !

I did. Did spend…

Iz kewl…

Today. I got OLD…

Thanks Lacey LOL

Tongue Cancer?

From 114 million miles away…

The question is…

Does her bum still look big in this???

Models do-dee-dood me head in…

Nuff said!

Shooty Wetty Yesditty…

Wetty kinda fiddy fiddy,
but never mind,
no grieve no more…
Another wetty, Tuesday…


Nearly 3 and a half years ! Finished – Done.

Got money – banked money – spend (?) money… Hmmmm

Sound like I think…

Why the industry is failing…

A picture speaks a thousand words…

A well cool lil comeback… Made I LOL !

” I basically held up some gay ass ballet slippers and said “I wonder who’s these are” at which point you snatched them out of my hand, put them on, and proceeded to pirouette around the thread with reckless abandon. “

Downloading MAMP

Things just get better and better ! Its like I jumped 10 years into the future overnight!

Well, OK… Not ’10’ years… But at least 3 🙂

I got my personal domain name back today…

The one I used to use, but lost while in jail! Excellent news! Just found out it wasn’t still be held to ransom, by an arsehole, and it was free. So I regged it back and its mine again !

But… What am I going to do with it now? THAT… Is the question lol

Brighton is calling…

We are the mods, we are the mods… We are, we are, we are the mods…


Its OVER !

Collect my bounty next week. UNREAL !

In the meantime, heres a cool garage door sticker that I want to buy to celebrate LOL

Powerful Pic #2


Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear me…
Happy birthday to me !


Tube Project

Leaps n Bounds man! Leaps and bounds…

Well… I’m still alive…

Busy with sites, but making GREAT progress… Hoping to hear from G early next week… Looks like this could be it… Fingers crossed…

In other news, in less than 24 Hours, I’ll be 39! (Again) lol

Where did the year go? I’ll answer myself that. In an alcoholic haze of bullshit… NEVER AGAIN ! NEVER !!!

Well, I went to Exeter again…

LOL Indeed! Sad but true… After jumping through numerous hoops and dancing the T dance… WWe still are not 100% sure whats going down…

Not impressed with G. She says that without her help, then 18 months ago, Id have been going bankrupt. I tell her that if I had, then in 6 Months I would have been free of it!

She went very quiet…

I didn’t have the heart to add… “And not had to pay your fees for the privilege”!!!

Sunday sunday…

Lazy Sunday afternoon, got no time for worries etc… Thats the words I think… Cool song, and fitting… Chillin’ out, and kicking back… Life is good 🙂

But… Is it?

Fay Regans Genital Warts…

Chewy & Tasty!

You want frys with that?

I liked this…

Not been posting much lately…

Been busy, but in a good way… Sorting out workflow between the iMac and PC… Getting there slowly…

I can also see a light at the end of the tunnel regarding the millstone. I refuse to let myself be to optimistic about it, but on paper, its looking like its finally getting there… 🙂