Fay Regans Genital Warts…

Chewy & Tasty!

You want frys with that?

I liked this…

Not been posting much lately…

Been busy, but in a good way… Sorting out workflow between the iMac and PC… Getting there slowly…

I can also see a light at the end of the tunnel regarding the millstone. I refuse to let myself be to optimistic about it, but on paper, its looking like its finally getting there… 🙂

Two VERY Powerful pictures…

That was then… This is now…

Mame Stuff Arrived !!!

31 DVDs ! From the mame-burner

Gonna take a long time to copy it across, but pleased as punch !

Shall report back later once I have had the chance to test… Or…. I may just spend a few days back in my youth 🙂


So… Here I am ! ‘Hello World’ !!!



Still waiting on the MAME stuff…

Lets hope this guy isn’t going to play silly buggers…

“It’s ok, he has tits!”

Well… Why Not?


2 more for the ‘Might come in handy one day’ category !!! lol

Things are coming together…

Well, 2 things so far…

1) All MAME Roms 1.38
2) Adobe CS5 Suite for Mac
3) ???

??? = Hopefully something real good, cause it all comes in threes… Supposedly!

Only posting this, cause it may come in handy one day…

Funny, cause its true!

Woman: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every time my husband comes home drunk he beats me”

Doctor: “I have the perfect medicine for that” he said. “When your husband comes home drunk, just take a glass of sweet water and start swishing it around in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow until he goes to bed and is asleep.”

Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.

Woman: “Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband came home drunk, I swished with sweet water,swished and swished, and sure enough he didn’t touch me!”

Doctor: “You see how much keeping your mouth shut helps?”

See Pic….

Englands playing Germany in the World Cup now…

Yawn… Just seen a goal go in, but they didn’t see it? What the fuck? Then they show camera shot from inside the goal. Its CLEARLY in… CLEARLY! But FIFA dont want match-line technology…

What is te fucking point? ANUS HAIRS!!!

In other news the Fit Man is going to D/L the 28Gig file for me ! Woot Woot !

Update… Win 7 Ultimate…

Well, Its done… Bit the bullet and spent out, but it works fine now, and is the best of both worlds !


I could watch this ALL DAY…

So I will…. 🙂

Thats what she said…

But, as it was more than likely true, it defeats the issue…

Oh WOW! Just WOW!!!

And to think, that my life consists of sitting infront of a duel boot computer… I need to get out more…


Biting the bullet!

Win XP Pro Service Pack 2 being installed on a 200Gig partition… Will report back later !

Fingers crossed!

Big Bugger 1st Erection NOW!

S’pose I’d better watch… Don’t wanna get into trouble…. With myself that is… Cause I should watch it really, and NOT type this crap…

Watch, listen, learn… & REMEMBER!!!

But… No one will, will they?

Gimme a ‘Boner!’

I like macs…

Even though theres fuck all I can do with it… It still looks nice!

Bouncy Bouncy!

NOT Being pervy! (Honest…) Just testing the mac…

Gone Mac… (iMac)

Once you go Mac, you never go back???

Hmmmm Day 1… We shall see!

Never knew they did a video…

Guess they did though!


1st since Aug 3rd, 2006… Thats nearly 4 years!

Kurt Cobain? Eat your heart out LOL

What he says… IS True!



Gotta get a full on big bastard fuck off one, for full satisfaction…

Save the planet?

Still no MAME Stick…

But BB Starts its on-line reg tonight… Note to self: – MUST GET FLAT CABLE

Why do I still say it?

I just wanna kill myself.

I Dont. But I still have it slip out each day…

No… I’m NOT Gay… Or Bi…

But… If I was… Would it matter? Would it be anyone’s business other than my own?


So… Your point is?

The more you know…

Never to late to learn…

Putting this here, cause I know I’ll need it sometime…


Bet it will still be shit though… Anyway. Fuck It… Time to order Friday CHINKY BASTARD !

OK So… Quick Recap…

I won a pass worth $450
I gave the pass to charity
I have mame equipment en-route, and I’m looking at flat cabling my connections (NO MORE WI-FI)

Shopping on the 14th with the personal trainer. LIFE IS GOOD!

No piccy this time… Perhaps later !

Bonus extra post ! Cat and a passport !

All this fucking around is getting expensive…

I am getting pissed off with cuntface. I am about to say sod it, and play my hand. Hang onto it, cut him out. He wont want or expect that…

ION… I have a joystick on its way ! MAME4LIFE!

Might go to PC World later…

But I'm not though...

But I’m not though…

Why is it a ‘Bank’ Holiday?

Dont the bankers get enough money and enough time off allready? WANKERS! LOL… Why would I give a fuck? Still have my MAME desires, and am looking into step one of controlling it !!!

Also… In other news…


A gentle reminder to myself…


One good thing on the horizon though…

Lets hope the last ones a good one!

In other news… Back from Exeter meeting…

Still playing silly games ! Got another wait now to see what decision he has come to this time. He changes his mind, more often than I change my pants… (And that’s not that often!!!)

But one things for sure…. My shit sure smells sweeter !

Moving to Chrome….

Ooooohhhh… I’m all excited !


Lil Kitty

I’m going soft in my old age… :)

And they say criminals are stupid?

MAME is making me happy…

Happy thoughts regarding MAME… Perhaps I can re-start what that I did started once?

Many a true word, spoken in….

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Despite the wishful perfection of the circumstances that I hoped for, vanishing into a cloud of legal BS… It looks like things MAY be done by July…

Hmmmmm… Have I heard that before, is it deja vu, or is there simply an echo in here? Well, as usual…


Guess what?

Straight away the man in America tries to change the rules!


Have to call Monday…

Waiting 4 my shorts… (X2)

Shorts (X2) should arrive today.

I’m gonna be just like Albert Einstein…

6 weeks, 16 hours and 47 mins…


Hopefully everything is going to get in motion today to finally get the shit out of the fan…


ArseWithClass Gary Gary n Nat


What he said WAS true…

Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white government official, ‘You have observed the White man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.’

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, ‘Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the White man go wrong?’

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied:

‘When White man find land, Indians running it….no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.

Women did all the work, Medicine man free.

Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex.’

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. ‘Only White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.



A rare smile in this shitty life!



I forgot I had this blog !

May start posting again… Dunno… Busy being depressed at the moment… If a day goes by, when I dont catch myself saying to myself…

“I hate myself, and I want to die…”

Then I consider that a good day…

No posts from me latly…

But this will do for now!


I think we’re being hard on Max. Yes, I know he studies the credits at the end of porn dvds to find out where they’re shooting, and any other information he may find useful; yes, he does ‘accidentally’ then stumble across those known addresses on his little walks around this fair land; yes he does type out lustful, inappropriate fantasies and try e-mailing them to his current favourite porn star – and then publishing them on a porn forum when she fails to reply, and, yes, he does seem to follow this up with smutty posts in his lunch hours while bashing the bishop (though he wants to stress that no Catholics were hurt during these episodes). But, apart from all that he balances his life out by verbally abusing minor celebrities and is apathetic of young mothers dying of cancer.


As you can see, he seems like an all-round normal bloke.



LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Belated update!

He said: I fully believe you!’

I should have been happy as a pig in shit !

But I wasn’t…


Because I have heard it all before…

Will this time be different?

Time will tell… We shall see 🙂


Haven’t updated for a while but thats the point so I will… The man in the states contacted me today… Tried to lie… Tried to deceive… But WHATS NEW?

Anyway… NEW LEGAL TOMMOROW? 3rd time lucky and all that…

After all… It WILL be Friday 13th !

To help me relax…

If Only...

If Only...

While I wait the ‘Explosion’…

I DROPPED THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I DID IT!!! 4 REAL !!!

Lets watch the desecration… !


Nearly a month gone by… Still no nearer the production of a SIMPLE LETTER !!! GHHHAAAA!!!!

Lesbee Friends?

Nice to hug a pssy…tiger20hug

Too tired and depressed to go and see legal…

Thought Id better post…

Late at night on Sunday… Gonna see legal in the morning !
Till then… NIGHT NIGHT !

Legal Bollocks Part 2

So, I call up… ON HOLIDAY ! WTF???

Gotta wait for Monday…

Still waiting for AvalanchE to be paid… Supposed to be tomorrow…




Thoughts of the moment…

Agitated, and disturbed while I wait… Niggling feelings in my mind, stopping me from getting much done… Just want closure…

Fed up and dissapointed in general. Not happy at all, but then when WAS the last time I felt ‘Happy’?

Moments of pure clarity at 3 / 4 in the morning are the closest I can get right now… But its always darkest before the dawn…

And perhaps thats why, that its just before the dawn, in the darkness, that I can best feel at peace?

Legal Bollocks

Apparently theres ‘So Much More Too It’…

Suprise surprise… Ask for a letter… A SIMPLE LETTER… and end up funding some major legal procedure at £500 an hour… Hmmmmm….

Should have known…

My lil’ DOGGY…

My lil’ DOGGY…

Here… ‘There Be Bears’…

Had a very insightful dream about procrastination, and why shit that needs to be done… Doesnt get done… I cant explain it, over and above the title… But hopefully, by blogging it… I will remember the processes…


When I go to sleep, I just lay on my left, and ask myself…

“Here… ‘There Be Bears’…”


A ‘Constant Attractive Nuisance’

I had to blog that phrase… Before I forgot it… I know why… You dont!

But this blog, isnt for you… Its for me !

Here we go again…

Called legal… No Reply… Called Sky… 8 Weeks! Perhaps the man with the belt getting involved would help?

Waiting… AGAIN…

No word from LEGAL? WTF???

Regarding the bomb….

Not Long To Go...

Not Long To Go...

Told y’all it was quiet…





Note to self…

Avalanche seems sound… Screwed up a bit today… Held my hands up in surrender… He came in, did the biz, and all it god!

YaY Avalanche!

The Lull Before The Storm…

Quiet isnt it? Shhhhh….. 🙂

Advice sought and taken…

Long meeting with legal guy… Gonna take the legal route… Fuck it. WHY SHOULD I FEEL GUILTY?

Just gonna have to drop the bomb, stand back and take cover… What can he do? Not a lot… So, I’ll just go legal legal legal….

It makes sense…

Belated Update!

Many things to update, but they have not let me near a computer for what seems like forever… So lets cover a few bases…

My WET Baby… Bless its lil cotton socks… Has already generated back half of its investment… IN 7 DAYS!!!

So no probs there…

America, land of the free? Well NO BOMB… Yet! (Metaphorical of course, just incase any reads my dribble and takes it literally)

I have appointment with Legal Counsel next week, to discuss the bomb, (Before Dropping It) and its potential affects… Always best to get a bit of the old legal advice…

Updates, as required, will follow SOON…

In just a little over an hour…

My baby will be set free to go and wet on the world…

God speed my baby… 🙂

Not enough Pics lately…

Been there, done that...

Been there, done that...

Procrastination (Part 2)

To make things that are wet available to the world, on Feb 1st… Requires a total of 10 Min’s work…

Not surprising when its been in development for OVER a year…

So.. 10 Min’s and its done eh? YEP.. Ten Min’s… But it may as well be 10 Years…




The truth shall set you free...

The truth shall set you free...

The Avalanche was good…

Very pleased… No rebuttals… Another piece of the puzzle in place… The idea is to do as little as possible, and not cause myself stress…

Calm is good… Very good… Calm is the new black !

“The Butterfly Effect”

Its SO fucking true… Just one tiny indiscretion from one area affects everything! Whoever came up with this theory should pat himself on the back…

I mean, if ‘blog-project-man’ dont like the Avalanche, then it kicks over into MY dealings… WHY?

Its NOT fair… BUT IT DOES…


The Bomb will be detonated on FEB 3rd!!!

Metaphorical bomb of course… But a bomb none the less… Fall out will be wide reaching and many innocent bystanders will get injured…


News from FAR, FAR… AWAY!

I am awaiting a call ! Results to follow later, when I have spoken with my wife…

Will now spend the next 5 hours pacing my cell, while I formulate, discard, re-formulate, change, and eventually come up with a reply…

Procrastination is a GOOD THING!

Note to self…

Procrastination might feel good… But it feels better when its done!


Why is that when I know I need to do something, like write a letter, I think about it, and think about it… Then when I sit down to do it, it becomes a huge job, that I put off… But I know that it will only really take me a few mins!

I spend 30 times longer putting it off that it would take to do it! WHY?

A picture speaks 1000 words…


Its RARE something makes me smile these days… Still dreading having to tell people things are different… But considering I have still not heard back from a key player, even when I have informed her of my decision… The fact I get no reply, SPEAKS VOLUMES… 🙁