Entries from October 2010 ↓

Another blast from the past…

Those were the days… My friend… We thought they’d never end… etc etc… lol

Thats HAWT!

Well, I’m confident in my sexuality, and I find it arousing… SO FUCKING WHAT?

Blast From The Past !


I liked this pic….

Strangely Erotic...

Perhaps theres something wrong with me? !HELP! lol

What is wrong with this picture?


Hard to believe its been nearly 30 years… !!!


Looks like it will be…

When the mac version arrives that is… Or, I may wait for the other… Who knows?

Will update when decision has been made 🙂

I iz finking I iz HaxoR

LoadZ of B0ll0XXX T1pe l1ke th1S!

Duz meen aPP1e p331 520 D-l@y

Hello… I am BAT…

Bat I am…