Entries from June 2010 ↓

Things are coming together…

Well, 2 things so far…

1) All MAME Roms 1.38
2) Adobe CS5 Suite for Mac
3) ???

??? = Hopefully something real good, cause it all comes in threes… Supposedly!

Only posting this, cause it may come in handy one day…

Funny, cause its true!

Woman: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every time my husband comes home drunk he beats me”

Doctor: “I have the perfect medicine for that” he said. “When your husband comes home drunk, just take a glass of sweet water and start swishing it around in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow until he goes to bed and is asleep.”

Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.

Woman: “Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband came home drunk, I swished with sweet water,swished and swished, and sure enough he didn’t touch me!”

Doctor: “You see how much keeping your mouth shut helps?”

See Pic….

Englands playing Germany in the World Cup now…

Yawn… Just seen a goal go in, but they didn’t see it? What the fuck? Then they show camera shot from inside the goal. Its CLEARLY in… CLEARLY! But FIFA dont want match-line technology…

What is te fucking point? ANUS HAIRS!!!

In other news the Fit Man is going to D/L the 28Gig file for me ! Woot Woot !

Update… Win 7 Ultimate…

Well, Its done… Bit the bullet and spent out, but it works fine now, and is the best of both worlds !


I could watch this ALL DAY…

So I will…. 🙂

Thats what she said…

But, as it was more than likely true, it defeats the issue…

Oh WOW! Just WOW!!!

And to think, that my life consists of sitting infront of a duel boot computer… I need to get out more…


Biting the bullet!

Win XP Pro Service Pack 2 being installed on a 200Gig partition… Will report back later !

Fingers crossed!

Big Bugger 1st Erection NOW!

S’pose I’d better watch… Don’t wanna get into trouble…. With myself that is… Cause I should watch it really, and NOT type this crap…

Watch, listen, learn… & REMEMBER!!!

But… No one will, will they?

Gimme a ‘Boner!’

I like macs…

Even though theres fuck all I can do with it… It still looks nice!

Bouncy Bouncy!

NOT Being pervy! (Honest…) Just testing the mac…

Gone Mac… (iMac)

Once you go Mac, you never go back???

Hmmmm Day 1… We shall see!

Never knew they did a video…

Guess they did though!


1st since Aug 3rd, 2006… Thats nearly 4 years!

Kurt Cobain? Eat your heart out LOL

What he says… IS True!



Gotta get a full on big bastard fuck off one, for full satisfaction…

Save the planet?

Still no MAME Stick…

But BB Starts its on-line reg tonight… Note to self: – MUST GET FLAT CABLE

Why do I still say it?

I just wanna kill myself.

I Dont. But I still have it slip out each day…

No… I’m NOT Gay… Or Bi…

But… If I was… Would it matter? Would it be anyone’s business other than my own?


So… Your point is?

The more you know…

Never to late to learn…

Putting this here, cause I know I’ll need it sometime…


Bet it will still be shit though… Anyway. Fuck It… Time to order Friday CHINKY BASTARD !

OK So… Quick Recap…

I won a pass worth $450
I gave the pass to charity
I have mame equipment en-route, and I’m looking at flat cabling my connections (NO MORE WI-FI)

Shopping on the 14th with the personal trainer. LIFE IS GOOD!

No piccy this time… Perhaps later !

Bonus extra post ! Cat and a passport !

All this fucking around is getting expensive…

I am getting pissed off with cuntface. I am about to say sod it, and play my hand. Hang onto it, cut him out. He wont want or expect that…

ION… I have a joystick on its way ! MAME4LIFE!

Might go to PC World later…

But I'm not though...

But I’m not though…